Meet An Older Gamer

Hello there, new friends and anyone else that happens to have stumbled into my little corner of the universe! I’m rabb. I’m an older gamer and I decided that I wanted to start a blog. Why, you ask? Well, I used to do a lot of blogging, actually. I started with writing about the Denver Broncos casually and with a friend of mine eventually started a website where we wrote about all sorts of things. Sports, tailgating, gaming, etc. We stopped, as things like that tend to do, and I have missed it. So here we are. I decided, I am back and ready to put things on paper the internet that probably nobody will read. But you know what? I want to do it, so I am doing it.

I will get into a little bit about myself shortly. First, let’s address the elephant in the virtual room here, shall we? The domain name. Yes, Only Rabbs is the domain name I chose. I know many stories begin with “it’s a long story” and this one is no different. Call it an inside joke of sorts. Mostly, this came up while I was live streaming one night. My chat and I started talking about how I should start an Only Fans account but instead of paying to see more, you’d have to pay for me to stop sending pictures of myself. Look, it was funny at the time…ok?!?! So there you have it, that joke morphed into Only Rabbs and this was born. Also I didn’t want any of my friends to get the domain name out from underneath me.

A little about me now, starting with my name! My real name is Mike and I just turned the ripe ol’ age of 50 this past Friday. Everyone online (my God that sounds weird) calls me rabb. This actually stems from my childhood. Back when I was a young lad, my two older brothers started calling me rabbit. I have no idea why specifically. I wager to guess it’s because I had buck teeth or something equally not nice. That name stuck. As a matter of fact, I still have family who call me rabbit now. It did shorten a little to just rabb at one point and that eventually led to my very first gamer tag. I have gone through many different iterations of using this in gamer tags, but it’s always been there and always will. I am an older gamer and have been going strong since I was a kid. It all started with Pong and our Atari 2600 and grew from there. Being a “latchkey kid“, video games and action figures were my entire youth and happy place. I have had about every console that has come out and still prefer playing on console today. No, this is not going to be a console versus PC gaming war. I have a gaming PC as well and love both my PS5 and Xbox Series X equally. I just love gaming. If you’re reading this and interested in joining other older gamers, I have somewhat of an older gamer community Discord that you are welcome to join! There is a little doo-dad on the sidebar of my site here where you can join. It’s very relaxed, we talk about everything under the sun (not just gaming) and the only rules are no politics and no drama. Well, and just generally don’t be a dick.

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
My family and I in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Aside from gaming, I love sports and doing outdoorsy things with my amazing wife. She is my rock and someone who is better to me than I deserve but someone who I will never take for granted. We also game together, because gaming couples kick ass! We currently have two dogs, two cats and five children (6 if you count our son-in-law which I totally do) who are all out of the house. I almost said “grown up” but I know better. Hell, I’m not even grown up…whatever that means. I am an IT professional with a Bachelor’s Degree in IT and a Master’s in IS. I love the Denver Broncos, Denver Nuggets, Colorado Avalanche and Iowa Hawkeyes. I tolerate the Colorado Rockies because they hurt my feelings the most. I enjoy creating content, most of which is live streaming on Twitch. I do sometimes makes clips and videos when something happens that I think is funny. I also love raising money for charity through streaming, but that is another article down the road.

So, that is me in a few paragraphs. My plan for this blog is to share personal things, talk about sports and gaming as well as whatever the hell else comes to mind. I love interacting with other people and promise to answer any comments that come in. To be completely honest, I will be flattered that anyone spent any amount of time here with me and I truly mean that. Here’s to a new journey together, cheers!

About The Author

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